take notes parents----
The following is a list of activities we do each day
We begin each day by saluting
the flag.
Attendance and the lunch count are also part of our opening activities.
We have calendar activities. The daily count gets increasingly difficult with each additional day. Our final count will be the last day of school which will be 182.
Mystery bag is so exciting. Some of us are so excited to describe our mystery to the class!! We still have some children who are very reluctant to participate
A cheerful way to begin each day is with music and movement activities.
Seasonal songs, rhythm and motor activities are done at this time. We begin each day on a cheerful note!
Reading activities are next on our schedule followed by a work time.
The class is involved in Shared Reading and Interactive Writing activities.
Snack time is usually next in our schedule.
Math is part of snack time. Problem solving, sorting and graphing are just a little part of snack time.
We then walk on over to our centers for Work Shop.
Learning activities and experiences are the goal of each center. We are playing and learning at the same time. Each day we go to a different center. The centers are different each week. Some centers may be: poetry, listening, computer, math, craft, book, science, alphabet, kitchen and blocks. We share our poems and craft projects after center time.
Lunch is 12:30 - 1:10. We may buy lunch for $1.25, or bring our own.
Mrs. Califano takes us to lunch and helps us.
Then we have recess.
Science usually follows lunch and recess.
Crafts are also done in the afternoon. They are usually seasonal crafts.
Mrs. Z