Most of the required items are to be shared by the class and are only required to be sent in once for the year unless otherwise specified.



1.  One large box of Kleenex Pop Up Tissues.



2.  One box of WASHABLE MAGIC MARKERS.       



3.  Two black marble composition books with your child's name on them.


These will be used by your child for poetry projects.



4.  A back pack must be brought to school every day.  Your child 

     must be able to open it and close it independently.


It must be big enough to carry all their work home.  Please check the contents each day.




5.  No toys or small objects are allowed in the classroom unless requested in    advance.



 6.  Crayons, scissors, and glue will be supplied.  Please do not send any in. 



(hats, sweaters, jackets, headbands, belts)





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